cravings for a vacation

hello there!

I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while, but I went on a long vacation in Egypt. This post will be about things I experienced.

The culture in Egypt is so different than ours. I stayed in a beautiful resort at Makadi Bay, but even there you notice a cultural difference.


The staff has to work for 3 months in a row from 7 am ’till 11 am, then they go home for one month. They practically live in the resort. Most of them live in Cairo, which is far away from the coast of the Red Sea (this is where I stayed).

One day I went to Luxor to see the temples of ancient Egypt. Especially there I went trough a huge culture shock. Children asked me for food and asked me to buy their stuff, which I did. Even though I can not change any of this, I felt like I did something.



Accept these sad things, I had a wonderful time. I saw so many things and the sun was shining like never before. I was there with my boyfriend. This vacation brought us closer than ever. We went on a diving trip in the Red Sea and went shopping in Hurghada. In Hurghada are a thousand little shops. Lots of them are filled with fake bags and shirts, but some of them have handmade stuff, which are so cute! Except for these things, we swam and rested in the sun for hours.

Cravings for solutions

hello there

Did you ever had the feeling you had to go shopping, just to clear your mind? Or you get up in the morning with a huge bed hair day and you don’t want to get out your house, just in case you bump into someone you know? Or you sit all day at home, not knowig what you could possibly do in the afternoon?

Well, I will do my best to post some ideas each day to make these things easier for you, starting today.

(ps; I’m from Belgium, my English is far from perfect)